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Regular price $13.50

Acai berries are small (smaller than grapes), round and dark purple. They grow on palm trees in the Amazonian equatorial forests.

Health benefits: 

Acai berries are real nutritional bombs - they contain vitamins A, C, E and B vitamins. But this is not all - their fruits contain minerals (magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper), amino acids and healthy fatty acids. In addition, they contain almost all types of antioxidants that the aging process (like resveratrol, cyanidin-3-glucoside, ferulic acid). Thanks to a large amount of polyphenols, Acai berries facilitate blood flow, which reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and embolism. They also help to reduce bad cholesterol and increase the level of good cholesterol in the blood. The content of a large amount of fiber accelerates metabolism and the digestive process, which in practice gives a long-lasting feeling of satiety, allowing you to gradually reduce the number of calories consumed. In addition, Acai berries stimulate and reduce fatigue. They have a positive effect on regeneration after exercise and increase endurance, which is why they are recommended for people who work hard. Another advantage of Acai berries is a beneficial effect on the immune system - which is possible thanks to vitamins, minerals and active plant substances in their composition. And because they also contain calcium, they help fight osteoporosis and strengthen bones.

Suggested use: 

Suitable for sprinkling into food dry or to have rehydrated. Perfect for baking, ice cream, cereals, porridge, smoothies, shakes or anything else that would require a great fruit flavor and aroma or just some natural sweetness. Often used in place of sugar where the sweet taste is replaced with natural fruit flavor. A favorite for blending with protein powders to create all-natural fruit-flavored protein shakes. Alternatively, blend with coconut milk powder for a fruit-flavored shake.


We have been very impressed with you all! Thank you for your friendly service and for delivering such fresh food every week

Marcelle J.

The prices are very competitive, you would be hard pressed to get the same volume and quality from an Organic retail store, and I would be happy to recommend the Organic Grocer to anyone who would like to live a healthy lifestyle

Jad H.

I'm extremely pleased with your services Ahmad! I've tried other organic deliveries before but you are no doubt the BEST! Thanks a lot

Jana K.
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